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Vision and Values
'All pupils are treated with respect' - Ofsted
Our Vision
The Trust was formed to help vulnerable young people succeed against the odds. Many children and young people face challenges in their lives that many adults will never experience and Prosper is here to support them in doing so. Wherever possible we will help these young people to thrive in a mainstream educational setting but where that cannot happen we will provide a safe space for them in one of our schools, until they are ready to return or move on.
We believe that learning is the key to their chances of success. We will provide high quality teaching and a coherent and enriching curriculum. Thereby ensuring an equality of opportunity with their peers in mainstream settings.
Our schools offer children and young people with a diverse range of additional needs, the opportunity to learn in a supportive environment, where differences are celebrated, and every pupil is valued and encouraged to achieve their own unique potential.
Our specialist and highly skilled staff will work closely with families, schools and other agencies to create the best possible educational experiences and opportunities for the young people in our care. We will nurture their talent, keep them safe and develop them as informed and active citizens.
Prosper Learning Trust works across the North East of England and is a champion and advocate for vulnerable young people in our region.
Our Trust Values
Prosper Learning Trust is driven by ASPIRATION. Predominately on behalf of the young people we work with and those who love and support them. But also for ourselves; our staff, our community and those who work with us and support our aims and values.
Prosper Learning Trust is an organisation that will act with INTEGRITY at all times. We will do what is best for our young people in every circumstance. We will be fair, open and honest in our dealings with others and will challenge each other every day to live out these values in the workplace, in how we conduct our business and in how we treat each other. We will respect opinion, embrace diversity, work safely and be unrelenting advocates for the wellbeing and character of the young people we care for.
Prosper Learning Trust puts KINDNESS at the heart of everything we do. We understand, we empathise and where necessary, we challenge. We work with young people in a way that helps them to appreciate that looking after one another and mutual support are the way to help everybody succeed and thrive. As an employer we will seek to ensure that staff are valued by treating them with the respect and dignity they deserve.
At Prosper Learning Trust we never give up on children. And we seek to build RESILIENCE in them which means they won’t give up on themselves. Likewise, as an organisation, we will build resilience in our policies, systems and structures to provide stability and longevity in the face of a dynamic and uncertain environment. In order that we can remain a strong and consistent force for good in the lives of the young people and the families we work with.
Newcastle Bridges School
All children and young people have the right to an education that provides them every opportunity to achieve their potential regardless of their circumstances. Through nurturing and promoting self-efficacy we keep the individuals needs at the heart of everything we do so that every pupil experiences success.
Newcastle Bridges School will continue to be recognised as an outstanding school that provides an individually tailored education for its pupils challenging them to succeed and supporting their personal growth.
We will achieve this by:
- Improving the educational experiences of all our pupils and by recognising and celebrating the achievement of both staff and pupils
- Providing a stimulating learning environment in which the team of highly skilled staff deliver quality, well resourced teaching to meet the needs of all pupils
- Working in partnership with parents, governors, the Local Authority, stakeholders and the wider community
- Valuing the entire school community, promoting well-being and encouraging spiritual, moral, social and cultural development in an atmosphere that fosters the growth of respect and responsible behaviour
- Ensuring a safe, secure and supportive environment that allows pupils to become more independent and resilient, where they can be happy and enjoy learning
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