18th Feb 2025
The Great North Children's Hospital Curriculum
Curriculum Overview
Newcastle Bridges School aims to maintain the continuity of education for those pupils unable to attend their home school due to illness by providing education in hospital. Pupils are taught from reception to Year 11, unless they have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), where education can be provided for a wider age range. We provide a high quality education whilst overcoming barriers to learning posed by a variety of medical conditions. This is achieved this through careful assessment and the planning and delivery of personalised lessons enabling access to a broad and balanced curriculum. Early contact is made with home schools. Where possible staff work closely with home schools to ensure that pupils are able follow their schemes of work and planning.
Vocational Opportunities
Vocational opportunities for pupils remain the responsibility of the pupil's home schools.
Curriculum Enrichment
Pupils are offered a broad and balanced curriculum. Enrichment opportunities provided by outside providers add further breadth to the curriculum offered to pupils. Wider curriculum opportunities include PE sessions delivered by both Newcastle United Foundation and Durham Cricket Foundation. These sessions offer an opportunity for pupils across the full age and ability range, and who have numerous different medical conditions, to overcome barriers to being active. Pupils are able to access and engage in physical activity and to learn and develop a wide range of skills. Participating in these sessions also helps to improve wellbeing. Pupils also have the opportunity to engage in Art Therapy sessions delivered by the Teapot Trust, Music Therapy sessions and to receive visits from a Read for Good story teller. Older pupils are also offered additional support from a Youth Worker from Youth Focus North East.