Helen McGowan Appointed as Deputy Headteacher of Newcastle Bridges School

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12th Jul 2023

Prosper Learning Trust are happy to announce that Helen McGowan has been appointed to the new role of Deputy Headteacher at Newcastle Bridges School.

Helen began her career as a midwife and qualified nurse working at hospitals in Gateshead and Newcastle, before leaving the profession to start her teaching degree at Sunderland University. She began teaching Science at a middle school in Newcastle, going on to lead the Science department and excel in SATS results. Helen went on to become a Hospital Teacher at hospitals across Newcastle, which later became departments of Newcastle Bridges School. Helen has held various coordinator roles within Newcastle Bridges School and managed the Great North Children’s Hospital (GNCH) and Freeman Hospital education teams. She went on to be appointed as Assistant Headteacher of Newcastle Bridges School and has held various responsibilities in the role over the past nine years.

When asked about her appointment and what she is most looking forward to, Helen said

“I am absolutely delighted to be appointed as Deputy Headteacher of Newcastle, a school that I have been passionate about for 21 years of my teaching career. Throughout my time, I have been part of the growth and development of the school, and I intend to use my wealth of knowledge and experience, to continue to drive the school forward and maintain its Outstanding Ofsted status. It is an exciting new challenge ahead, with opportunities to develop, practice and improve outcomes, while working in partnership with the Trust and all stakeholders. I am very proud to be part of Newcastle Bridges School and Prosper Learning Trust and to commence this new role in September 2023.”

Outside of school, Helen enjoys sport and exercise, shopping, socialising with friends and family, alongside camping and climbing in the Lake District.