Kevin Stafford Appointed as Headteacher of Newcastle Bridges School
Return to Latest NewsProsper Learning Trust are pleased to announce the appointment of Kevin Stafford as Headteacher of Newcastle Bridges School, advancing from the position of Head of School following a leadership restructure.
Kevin is from Gateshead and has a degree in History and Politics. He trained to become a Teacher at Leeds University specialising in History and PE. Following a year working in France, he began his teaching career at Rutherford School in the west end of Newcastle before moving to St Mary’s Catholic School where he held a variety of posts before joining the senior leadership team. In 2015 Kevin joined Newcastle Bridges School as Assistant Headteacher before becoming Head of School.
When asked about his new role Kevin said:
“I am very proud and extremely excited to be appointed Headteacher of Newcastle Bridges School. Having helped the school to develop over a number of years I am looking forward to working with my new leadership team to continue that development and retain our status as an ‘Outstanding’ school. The school has a well-earned reputation as somewhere students can flourish whatever difficulties they have or are facing supported by a fantastic body of staff. The recognition the school has received is fully deserved and I am honoured to be its Headteacher.”
Outside of school, Kevin is a music fan and attends many gigs and events. He also enjoys a variety of sports and is a season ticket holder at Newcastle United.